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Riding the Winds

There is a type of music that lets your mind ride on its tail-winds. Up and down, slower, faster, a pause… Slightly unpredictable, so you cannot drift into a thinking mode; you do not have much choice but follow its movement. Classical music is sometimes like that; jazz is even closer to what I mean. My daughter made me listen to the music of St. VIncent in the car the other day. Although I cannot say that I liked it much, I appreciated its musical patterns, the pauses and movements through which small patches of emptiness can be glimpsed. The mind can glide on its winds rather than ride on the winds of its own thoughts.

Meditation on Greatness


Marcus Aurelius Antonius, a Sage and an Emperor of Rome - two incompatible roles for a mere human - wrote this:

"Sure, life is a small thing, and small the cranny of the earth in which we live it: small too even for the longest fame thereafter, which is itself a subject to a succession of little men, who will quickly die, and have no knowledge of themselves, let alone of those long dead."

Meditations, Book 3,10


  1. Without a lineage of wisdom, stretching afore and aft of a great Sage, what indeed is its measure and its opportunity to infuse the present...?


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