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Showing posts from 2018


Riding the Winds

There is a type of music that lets your mind ride on its tail-winds. Up and down, slower, faster, a pause… Slightly unpredictable, so you cannot drift into a thinking mode; you do not have much choice but follow its movement. Classical music is sometimes like that; jazz is even closer to what I mean. My daughter made me listen to the music of St. VIncent in the car the other day. Although I cannot say that I liked it much, I appreciated its musical patterns, the pauses and movements through which small patches of emptiness can be glimpsed. The mind can glide on its winds rather than ride on the winds of its own thoughts.

No Rules Apply

The latest adventure of Kunga Gyaltsen, our correspondent in Nangchen, Neten Gompa

A pilgrimage to Dza Pagye Mani Rima - The 'Mani wall'of Dza Patrul Rinpoche

Tibetan Buddhism in the Dordogne, a brief history

News from Nangchen

Summer in Dordogne

The history of the Chateau de Fosseuse

The Chateau de Fosseuse


A Story about Aunt Mary, Uncle Pete and the Dragon of Conceit

The tree train

Buddha lite

Spring at Kagyu Ling, Manchester

The beautiful Montchardon

Some words of politics

Some rambling about stars, Amazon and space travel

Spring in Mexico City

Looking for the self

Spring in Hyde Park

The locked river